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Toni Busby

7th and 8th Grade Teacher

Hello, and welcome to the wonderful, wacky world of junior high. This is a hugely impactful time in your student's life, and I am energized and honored to be a part of it. Junior high students are at such a transformative age. They are formulating their own beliefs, noticing life's shades of gray, and deciding who they want to become. I prayerfully approach each day asking the Lord to help me patiently guide my students. Undoubtedly, there are times I fail, but I will continue to give my utmost to create a happy, healthy place for mutual learning. 

The parent/teacher partnership is critical to a student's education and spiritual growth. I welcome parental words of wisdom and student feedback. Please don't hesitate to contact me over any need or questions that arise.  Together, let us pray and encourage your teenager's walk with Jesus. (Matthew 22:37). In His Service,Mrs. Busby

A Little About Me:

I graduated from Walla Walla College with a B.S. in education and a marriage proposal from my BFF, Ken Busby.  Who says college tuition isn't worth the money?


After teaching in Adventist schools for seven years, I chose to stay at home to raise and educate my own three children for twelve years.   Those were some of my happiest memories, yet I also longed to be in the classroom again. The 2023-2024 school year will be my 11th at Rogers School. I am thankful for the opportunity to spend my days with my favorite, fun-loving 7th and 8th graders.  They make me laugh. It doesn't get much better than this!

As the oldest of eight children, a mother to four, and a grandmother with a second grandbaby on the way,  I rarely find time for my own hobbies; however, I enjoy reading, home decorating, walking or bike-riding with my husband, snow-skiing, and Bible study.  


I look forward to working with you this next school year.


Mrs. Toni Busby

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