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Hot Lunch Menu

Affordable, Healthy Vegetarian Meals Daily

Hot Lunch Information

Hot lunch is served Monday–Thursday, except on days with noon dismissal.

Menu is lacto/ovo vegetarian, with vegan options. Emphasis on nutritious meals with salad and fruit offered daily. Many entrees are made from scratch, as well as bread and cinnamon rolls. Dessert is limited to one day per week.

Lunch Start Date: Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Grades K-2: $6.50 per lunch

Grades 3-8: $7.00 per lunch

Grades 9-12: $7.50 per lunch

Package pricing:

  • 4 Pack Frosted Cinnamon Rolls = $7.00

Payment Options

Lunches must be prepaid prior to or on the day they are eaten. Prepaid lunch accounts have been activated in the FACTS payment system to enable families to pre-fund student lunch costs. The school will track student consumption of lunches and apply charges at the end of each week, reducing the balance in the prepaid lunch account.

  • When the prepaid lunch account balance is depleted, families will receive a low balance alert, and can then log into FACTS and add additional funds to the account.

  • If the prepaid account is not replenished and goes into negative status, families will be asked to make alternative lunch arrangements for their children until the account is re-funded.

  • Alternatively, families can make lunch pre-payments directly to the school with cash or check. Payments made at the school may be deposited into the secured drop slot located on the left-hand side of the front doors. Students may drop off payments at the front office when they arrive at school in the morning.

Pre-Order Instructions

Go to: FACTS Family Portal Login, District Code: RAS-WA, enter user name and password

  • Select “Lunch” under the “Student” drop-down menu

  • Select the week or month on the lunch calendar to see the daily lunch menu

  • To pre-order lunches, select “Create Web Order,” then enter quantity of 1 for each day of lunch items desired. Each child within the family will show up with a separate lunch list.

  • If any a la carte items are on the menu, the package price option will be available as well and can be entered as an order separate from lunch.

  • Selections will be saved and set up as a pre-order.

  • Once orders are set up, you can go back and view the lunch calendar, and the items you selected will be highlighted on the calendar. If you wish to add to or change any pre-orders, go back into “Create Web Order” and adjust quantities accordingly, then hit “enter” or select “order items” at the end of the page to save your changes.

  • Pre-orders will NOT be charged against your Prepaid Lunch account until after lunches are eaten.

  • If a student is not at school on a day they had pre-ordered lunch, families will NOT be charged for that missed lunch.

All credit/debit card transactions are subject to a 3% convenience fee.

VAS Rogers campus logo.

200 SW Academy Way, College Place, WA, 99324


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