Mike Kearbey
Physical Education
Physical Education
Through Physical Education, RAS students have numerous opportunities to learn, maintain, and achieve personal physical activity interests. Students will develop skills and learn varying Physical Education activities through manipulative skills, non-loco-motor and loco-motor skills, skill fitness, and health fitness activities.
Sportsmanship will be taught using methods that encourage tolerance of one another. Students will analyze the impact physical education can have on our social and personal interactions with others. Playing cooperatively will help us improve in these growth areas.
We will model and teach the values of physical activity and its contributions to our health using numerous fun activities. Students will know our bodies are temples for Christ so we should do our part to stay strong physically, mentally and spiritually. Our hope is that physical education classes will help each student find a "pe niche," and that each student will use their new interests as platforms for a lifetime full of activity.
Chargers Athletics
RAS has a number of potential offerings throughout the school year, 5th-8th grade. Junior High students will be offered boys basketball, girls basketball, Volleyball and Track and Field. 5th-6th will have opportunity to play basketball and volleyball. Please go to our sports forms that will include our sports physical form, concussion form, and parent code of conduct form. Print and sign or have our front office print a copy for you.Â